Buyer terms & conditions

M&I invites hosted buyers to attend our in-person, hybrid or digital events. Once you are confirmed to attend one of our events, we take care of everything for you, including flights and transfers to and from the destination, accommodation, networking sessions, meetings, cocktail receptions, exciting evenings and more. We also have fantastic prizes to be won at each event. By submitting your m&I Buyer Profile, you are agreeing to the terms & conditions of M&I (the organiser) as set out below:

Data handling & protection

By entering your details on your M&I Buyer Profile, you agree to allow m&I to electronically retain your business data, contact details & personal information within our database, as well as publishing your company profile on our digital networking platform. Your contact details will not be displayed on the platform; however, they will be shared with local suppliers who are organising services for you in the destination and the suppliers you have a pre-scheduled meeting with at the event, so they can follow up.

This is a condition of attendance for all in-person, hybrid and digital events. Should you not agree to this for any reason, please write to Furthermore, your company name/logo may be used on our website/s for information purposes only. No contact or business information will be displayed on these websites.

Reference checking

In most cases, it is necessary to check one or all of the business references you provide via your M&I Buyer Profile. This is to ensure the high standard of the buyer community attending any of our events and to validate your participation with the suppliers present. If you do not agree with this, please contact us at, as we will need to seek an alternative method of reference checking from you, which will be subject to M&I’s approval.


Travel and accommodation

If you are attending an in-person event, your flights, transfers to/from the airport where the event is due to take place and accommodation will be provided by m&I during the event dates. It is your responsibility to ensure that you can travel on the dates you have selected and that you have the necessary and valid travel documentation (passport, visas if applicable). Travel to and from your local airport is not included and will not be reimbursed.

Applications and cancellation policy

Acceptance of your application will be confirmed by email. M&I reserves the right to decline your application without reason, although our Buyer Relations Team would normally communicate honestly and directly on why any application for certain event(s) may not be appropriate. 

As a participating buyer, you agree to undertake your provided set of supplier meetings and any departure from the published schedule will require the prior consent of M&I. Unilateral decisions or non/participation in supplier meetings at any time prior or during the event may result in cancellation of your participation or the cancellation of your company’s attendance at future in-person, hybrid or digital events hosted by M&I.

If you attend an in-person or hybrid event, such cancellations may also entail financial implications for which you would be held responsible. You will be liable to pay the cancellation fee of 500 Euros for European events or 700 US dollars for American events. 

If you attend a digital event, such cancellations may also entail financial implications for which you would be held responsible. You will be liable to pay the cancellation fee of 250 Euros for European events or 300 US dollars for American events. Your participation is governed by English law. 

The only exception to this will be if you can find a suitable replacement or attend your meetings virtually, subject to m&i’s approval. In this instance, if you attend an in-person event you may be charged the cost for the replacement delegate’s flight or, when possible, the name change fee on your original flight ticket. Please also note that appropriate travel insurance and any visa arrangements are your own responsibility.

COVID-safe events

At M&I events, we’re committed to ensuring the safety of all attendees, event partners and staff on-site. For more information about how we’re keeping you safe at our events, please read and familiarise yourself with our full COVID-19 policy including delegate duties for event safety. 

Please note that by signing up to and attending our events, you automatically accept the terms of our COVID-19 Policy.

Event format & content

When available, the format and content of the events will be displayed on our website. 

We reserve the right to make changes to the event format and content. Should the event format change from in-person to hybrid or in-person to digital, your attendance will remain unchanged and you will still be committed to attend all your meetings. 

Rewards programme

Occasionally, M&I will offer rewards and incentives in the form of travel vouchers to eligible participating buyers. Travel vouchers are nominative and non-transferable. Rewards such as travel vouchers are redeemed by fully participating in our in-person, hybrid or digital events. This includes attendance to your full set of supplier meetings and any educational or social activities that you are committed to. Failure to attend these sessions will result in the cancellation of your rewards programme. M&I also reserves the right to revoke your participation in the rewards programme for inappropriate behaviour or any other such reason raised by the M&I community. 

These travel vouchers shall be redeemed exclusively through our dedicated travel management company, CT Business Travel, who will contact you directly once our Buyer Relations Team confirms you are eligible for the rewards programme. Vouchers need to be redeemed via a single transaction and can be used for either flight or hotel bookings and must be redeemed within 18 months of issue.

In-person event venue and digital platform

You acknowledge that we may have to change the published venue for the event where it is an in-person event, or the published delivery platform where it is a digital event, for reasons beyond our control and in such cases, you will not be entitled to cancel. 

You are liable for any loss or damage which you may cause to an event venue and agree to adhere to all housekeeping rules, procedures and policies (including policies as to behaviour and conduct) that may be in place at any venue. 

If you have a disability or medical condition that requires special arrangements to be made, please notify us of your requirements when registering. 


We may use photographs and videos taken at events for publicity and marketing materials, including use on our website(s). Your attendance at an event means that you may be featured in such photographs and videos, and that you are not deemed to object to the taking of such photographs and video footage as detailed above. If you do not wish to be included in any photographs or videos, please notify the photographer and videographer at the relevant event prior to the footage being taken. 

Rights in materials

All copyright and other rights (including all intellectual property rights) in materials provided to you during or for the purposes of any of our events (including, without limitation, notes, slides, brochures, articles or case studies) are m&i’s property or that of our licensors. You are entitled to use such materials only for your own personal use. You are not entitled to copy such materials (except as permitted by law) nor are you entitled to use or authorise others to use such materials for any commercial purposes. 


Event attendees shall be required to keep their personal belongings with them at all times. We accept no liability for damage to, or loss of any of your property that you bring to an event.

Event cancellation

In the case of event cancellation, the organiser will not be liable for any consequential damages or costs incurred as a result of such cancellation.

Events outside our control

We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance that is caused by events outside our reasonable control (“Force Majeure Event”) which includes any act, event, non-happening, omission or accident beyond our reasonable control and includes in particular (without limitation): strikes, lock-outs or other industrial action; civil commotion, riot, invasion, terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack, war (whether declared or not) or threat or preparation for war; fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, subsidence, epidemic or other natural disaster; impossibility of the use of railways, shipping, aircraft, motor transport or other means of public or private transport; and/or the acts, decrees, legislation, regulations or restrictions of any government.

Privacy policy

M&I is registered under the Data Protection Act. Worldwide Events Group Limited is required to process relevant personal data regarding members of staff, event delegates (buyers and suppliers in this case) and customers as part of its operation and shall take all reasonable steps to do so in accordance with this Policy. The Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 are also relevant to parts of this policy. To learn more, please view our privacy policy in full here.


M&I Fest Global Marrakech

Global Buyers
16-20 Mar 2025 | Morocco

M&I Fest Global Marrakech

The must-attend event for MICE
Learn more

Luxe Lake Louise

UK & EU buyers
24-27 Mar 2025 | Canada

Luxe Lake Louise

Connect with luxury incentive travel professionals in Canada’s premier incentive destination
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M&I Express Zagreb

UK & EU buyers
27-29 Aug 2025 | Croatia

M&I Express Zagreb

The m&i Forum experience streamlined into two impactful days
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Do you already have a
M&I buyer profile?

US Average Group

Average group size

Size of the events our buyers plan

Top requested properties

Type of properties our buyers want to meet

Beach Resort
Boutique Hotel
City Centre
Conference Centre

Buyer industries

The industries our buyers work in

Consumer Goods
Entertainmental Services
Environmental Services
Financial Services
Food & Beverages
Hospitality / Travel
Human Resources / Staffing / Recruitment
Industrial / Engineering
IT & Technology
Management consulting

Buyer geographic breakdown

The regions our buyers are from

Northeast America
Southeast America
South America
Southwest America
West Coast
Average USD Daily Rate

Average USD daily rate

What our buyers spend per delegate per night

> $250
Buyer Types

Buyer types

Types of companies our buyers are from

$3.05m average annual budget per buyer per event

Get the industry tick of approval

Become a healthcare verified venue

Open your property up to a new range of events and opportunities by taking advantage of an online assessment created by our event partner, Healthcare Venues, which will determine if your venue is capable of hosting healthcare meetings and events.

 If your property passes, you’ll receive Healthcare Venue certification, verifying you to our buyer network as a specialist healthcare venue.

What’s included?

Our Compliant Venues assessment and training appears to have given bookers in the healthcare industry increased confidence in us. Knowing that we have been assessed and trained in the regulatory and compliance rules of their sector, they feel more reassured than ever that we are best placed to manage their events with expertise and sensitivity.

Tim Chudley
Managing Director, Sundial Group

Find out more about our partner, Healthcare Venues, and how to get verified.